Sunday, June 26, 2011

BBQ Kale Crackers

Kaia Foods has these fabulous Kale Chips that I just adore.  They're really Crackers though, not chips. :)

I wish I had a copy of the bag, but these BBQ Kale Chips are the ones that I really like.

I was at Whole Foods yesterday and took a picture of the ingredients list to try to replicate them today.  The picture is a little blurry, but hopefully you can make everything out:

I had some Kale, so I put the Kale, Sprouted Sunflower seeds, (non-sprouted) sesame seeds, and all the other ingredients into the Vita-Mix.  Then I blended to get everything mixed together and tasted tested a bit along the way. 

The result looked promising:

I started them at 145 degrees for an hour to get a lot of the moisture removed. There is research that shows the food does not get to 145 if you have the dehydrator set to that temperature for just an hour and it greatly reduces the time to dehydrate.  I know some people who read this will not have seen that research, so once I find it again, I'll add it to the comments.   Anyway, since I wanted to bring them to my get-together today I decided to give this a try.  Otherwise, I'd probably just leave them at 105 degrees for the whole time.

I started these chips/crackers fairly early in the evening so I removed the Teflex sheet and flipped them right before heading to bed.  This is what they looked like this morning:

I let them go in the dehydrator a couple more hours and this is what they look like now.  I sampled a couple and they were very similar to the Kaia Foods chips I was wanting to recreate, so I'd call this a success!!!  Next time I make them, I'll measure out the ingredients to share with everyone.

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