Monday, April 11, 2011

Juicing and Veggie Burgers

I had some juice and a veggie burger for dinner tonight.

The juice was carrot, beet, apple, parsley and kale.   The juice itself was really good, but one thing I learned is the Omega VRT 330 HD doesn't do a great job with all kinds of pulp.  I thought it was okay with carrot/apple juice yesterday, but my juice today had so much fiber, I couldn't finish it.  I had to strain it through a nut milk bag.  That worked like a charm though!! It seemed to be the green fibers (probably the Kale?) that got back into the juice, so I guess I will just have to know that in the future when I juice greens I'm going to have to strain the juice.   This nutmilk bag worked some magic today ...

After I strained it the juice was just delicious!!!  Who'd have thought?  I sort of have this childhood dislike of beets.  You know how as a child you have a dislike of certain vegetables for absolutely no reason whatsover?   I actually don't know if I really ever had a beet before today - just never wanted to, but I know they are supposed to be really good for you ... 

Boy is it red though - just one little beet and lots and lots of greens and carrots and this still looks like red wine!

And it was seriously tasty.  I have this left-overs in the fridge to have tomorrow. Since I got a masticating juicer the juice will be good for 24 hours.

I tossed today's pulp ... I'm not sure all the stringy pulp from the greens would be very tasty in any recipes.  But I did make veggie burgers last night using this recipe posted by rawnhealthy on

Veggie Burgers
  • 4 cups veg pulp (celery, tomato, beet, carrot)
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1/4 tsp each of curry, cumin and coriander powder
  • 1/2 cup ground golden flax seed
  • 1/4 cup diced mushrooms
  • diced onion and cilantro to taste
Dehydrate until the outside of the burgers are firm.  I think I set my dehydrator to about 6 hours and they turned out great. 

The pulp I used for the burgers actually had a little apple in it (one apple to 3 pounds of carrots), but I decided to give it a try anyway.  I have to say, my expectations were pretty much nil, but I decided to keep an open mind.  I had this veggie cheese burger salad for lunch today - with the carrot burger and the "cheese" from the Cheesy Kale recipe (that stuff works for anything ... !).    This was just delicious!

Can you see the carrot burger under that cashew cheese?   :-)

Tomorrow I have a planned "cheat" for my 30 days raw.  Tomorrow will actually be day 25, but I'm taking my co-worker Vicky out to lunch at her favorite veggie restaurant.  It's sort of a going-away do.  It's not her last day yet, but it'll be a really fun lunch with a great group of people.  I'll probably keep it simple though - definitely stay vegan - so I don't vary too much from the raw diet.   I'm really proud of my progress so far, so this one planned exception isn't going to throw me off track.

1 comment:

  1. Lol, I love that your cashew cheese is burying your burger. That looks VERY tasty!
